The Psychic Yellow Brick Road

When It's Gone, Let It GO!

Corbie Mitleid Episode 33

Sometimes there are parts of our life that made sense months or years ago. But if they aren’t who you are now, it’s time to dump them overboard.

To learn more about Corbie, go to

I’ve been guiding friends and clients since 1973. It’s my full time job -- I love showing you opportunities and how to grab them, where the tough stuff is and how to get through it, and handing you your toolbox through tarot and oracle cards, past life exploration, spirit guide and angelic conferences and mediumship.

My website is full of articles, blogs, where to find me for live appearances and where to listen to me as I guest on other podcasts.

And there’s a full menu of readings, from short burning questions all the way up to the jewel in the crown, my Soul Plan readings, which are based on the work I did with Robert Schwartz. Whether it’s general questions about your life in practical terms, romance readings, business consultations, discovering your sentence of passion or digging into that single challenge that has run through your life, you can find the appointment that is right for you.

Until next time, keep those ruby slippers polished, and I’ll meet you on the Psychic Yellow Brick Road!

Speaker 1:

Sometimes there are parts of our life that made sense months or years ago, but if they aren't who you are now, it's time to dump them overboard. Hi, I'm Corbie Mitleid and this is the Psychic Yellow Brick Road. The world is changing and life doesn't have the spark it used to, so we look around and ask where do I need to go to catch the magic again? You've found it. Welcome to the Psychic Yellow Brick Road, a weekly podcast that delves into the intuitive world, metaphysics, life purpose and how to connect with the compassion of spirituality. I'm Corbie Mitleid and I've been on the Psychic Yellow Brick Road for 50 years. I'm a Certified Tarot Master, past life specialist, psychic medium, channel and author and, most importantly, I'm an Elder in the field, ready to pass on everything I've discovered to you. So let's hit that Psychic Yellow Brick Road where you can find the real wizards and avoid the flying monkeys. If it's gone, let it go.

Speaker 1:

Ballast is an interesting word. Originally, it meant heavy material carried in the hold of a ship. Now it means anything that serves no particular purpose except to weigh something down. I got to examine and reinvent the word ballast for myself several years ago. I dealt with breakdowns, implosions, collapses and explosions involving everything from home to health, to career, to relationships. Numerologically, it was a one for me, the start of many new beginnings in terms of friends, work, community, creativity, opportunity. But to feed those beginnings, well, a lot of ballast had to be dumped off the good ship Corby. A number of psychic expos and holistic fairs I'd participated in for years closed up shop, shaking me up financially. My monthly gig at a well-known local bed-and-breakfast was canceled, closing down another revenue stream. Still, those were small things and it gave me time for other projects that kept my business humming in new directions. Tougher was leaving behind old parts of myself that I'd outgrown, from which I'd graduated and that no longer served me. But that was what my higher self demanded. Through releasing outmoded beliefs and behaviors, my energies and responsibilities were raised to a different level and people who worked with me sensed energy that felt more settled, compassionate and centered. The hardest requirement was dumping the spiritual ballast, leaving behind beloved crutches. Whether or not I knew that's what they were. At the time it was heart-wrenching to sever a mentor-student relationship of over 20 years, but a month later I felt strong, self-confident, creative and empowered in a way I hadn't felt in a decade, because I no longer felt the need to look to them or anyone else to give me permission or relevance. That alone told me that the relationship had gone from treasure to toxic, through neither my mentor's fault nor mine. Most importantly, lightening my own cache of spiritual cargo meant I had more of myself to offer for the world's healing. I can add ballast to the foundering ship of mankind, ballast vital to keep our ship afloat as we make our passage from this world to the next, until we can fill the cargo hold with enough wisdom, compassion and peace to bring us safely into the new harbor.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to invite you to revisit a younger you. If you're a saver of memorabilia, go through your wedding album, college or high school yearbook, scrapbooks, family photo albums, diaries or journals. Take note of who you were five years ago, ten years ago, twenty years ago, even more if you have records from those days. What world matters caught your attention or mattered to you the most, and how did your beliefs or reactions to them shape themselves over time? Did they change or remain the same? Whose company did you seek? What adults or peers had the most influence over you at any given time? What did the most important people in your life believe was essential to the happiness or right living of most people. If you were transported back in time, as you are now, to visit with these folks, would they affect you in the same way? Would you flow together in partnership as you did when you first encountered them? If not, how have you yourself changed? How does what you value now differ from what held your heart in the old days?

Speaker 1:

Lastly, examine your current relationships. Do certain people in your life expect you to behave in a certain way? You've outgrown? Are they willing to see you as who you are now, or do they want you to be in stasis, a person that they knew and understood from years ago? And in turn, do you expect them to have grown and changed along your lines of thought, even if they're completely comfortable with their long-held beliefs and worldview? That's definitely ballast to toss overboard. If you conclude that a relationship you've examined has come to a crossing point where beliefs and world understandings don't match and there's no comfortable compromise, then the relationship is no longer treasure but ballast. Are you willing to let it go without judgment, rancor or disappointment, but simply recognize that your paths are diverging for now? If not, ask yourself why not?

Speaker 1:

The object here is to give yourself carte blanche to dump anything overboard that no longer serves you. It doesn't matter how long it's been in your cargo hold If it serves no purpose other than to anchor you to a past that's no longer you over. It goes Without guilt or regret. It was who you were, but if it isn't who you are now, why continue to carry it? Also, honor who you were as you discover what you've become.

Speaker 1:

As you explore your past, you'll feel echoes of situations that brought you to a personal cliff or asked you to walk a shadowed path. The fact that you've faced these trials means you've touched deeply your own humanity, and that's a treasure to keep rather than ballast to unload. These partings happen, whether it's from one person or many, one road or a cluster of them, from the best of friends, the closest of relatives, the dearest of spiritual companions. It happens closest of relatives, the dearest of spiritual companions. It happens. It's the way of the world and we all must face such leave-takings at least once in a lifetime. The key to pain or serenity, falling or flying is all in how you choose to leave the nest. No-transcript. Cross your bridges, spread your wings and fly without looking back.

Speaker 1:

I've been guiding friends and clients since 1973. I love showing you opportunities and how to grab them, where the tough stuff is and how to get through it, and handing you your toolbox through tarot and oracle cards, past life exploration, spirit guides and angelic conferences and mediumship. My website, corbiemitleid. com, is full of articles, blogs, where to find me for live appearances and where to listen to me as I guest on other podcasts. There's a full menu of readings, from short burning questions all the way up to the jewel in the crown, my soul plan readings which are based on the work I did with Robert Schwartz. Whether it's general questions about your life in practical terms, romance readings, business consultations, discovering your sentence of passion or digging into that single challenge that has run through your life, you can find the appointment that's right for you.

Speaker 1:

That's right for you. You know your opinion matters a lot, so if you enjoy this, take a few minutes to leave a review. Word of mouth is key with podcasts, so share it with others. And if you really want to help make the magic happen, go find me at patreon. com. There's a tier called I Believe in you and for just a couple of dollars a month you can be an official roadie and help all the things I do the podcast, the books, the classes, the videos keep on coming. This has been Corbie Mitleid, and until next time keep those ruby slippers polished and I'll meet you on the Psychic Yellow Brick Road.