The Psychic Yellow Brick Road
A weekly podcast that delves into the intuitive world, metaphysics, life purpose and how to connect with the compassion of spirituality. I’m Corbie Mitleid, and I’ve been on the Psychic Yellow Brick Road for 50 years. I’m a Certified Tarot Master, past life specialist, psychic medium, channel and author. And most importantly, I’m an Elder in the field, ready to pass on everything I’ve discovered to you. So let’s hit the Psychic Yellow Brick Road, where you can find the real wizards -- and avoid the flying monkeys.
The Psychic Yellow Brick Road
Miracles Happen When We Respond Not React
We make a habit of reacting, rather than responding. Something happens to us, and we immediately deal with the situation with the usual practice, from fight-or-flight mechanisms, or from fear. If we take a moment to merely observe, and then ask ourselves questions about the situation we face, our response can be completely different from the knee-jerk reaction. And that can open us up to miracles unexpected.
To learn more about Corbie, go to
I’ve been guiding friends and clients since 1973. It’s my full time job -- I love showing you opportunities and how to grab them, where the tough stuff is and how to get through it, and handing you your toolbox through tarot and oracle cards, past life exploration, spirit guide and angelic conferences and mediumship.
My website is full of articles, blogs, where to find me for live appearances and where to listen to me as I guest on other podcasts.
And there’s a full menu of readings, from short burning questions all the way up to the jewel in the crown, my Soul Plan readings, which are based on the work I did with Robert Schwartz. Whether it’s general questions about your life in practical terms, romance readings, business consultations, discovering your sentence of passion or digging into that single challenge that has run through your life, you can find the appointment that is right for you.
Until next time, keep those ruby slippers polished, and I’ll meet you on the Psychic Yellow Brick Road!
I could have handled this catastrophe in a different way the normal way but because I didn't, I got an amazing happy birthday from the Great Beyond. Hi, I'm Corbie Mitleid and this is the Psychic Yellow Brick Road. The world is changing and life doesn't have the spark it used to, so we look around and ask where do I need to go to catch the magic again? You've found it. Welcome to the Psychic Yellow Brick Road, a weekly podcast that delves into the intuitive world, metaphysics, life purpose and how to connect with the compassion of spirituality. I'm Corbie Mitleid and I've been on the Psychic Yellow Brick Road for 50 years. I'm a Certified Tarot Master, past life specialist, psychic medium, channel, and author and, most importantly, I'm an Elder in the field, ready to pass on everything I've discovered to you. So let's hit that Psychic Yellow Brick Road where you can find the real wizards and avoid the flying monkeys.
Speaker 1:Miracles happen when we respond, not react. I often play a game called challenge y opportunity with my clients. They'll come to me with a litany of things that have gone wrong: A relationship has gone sour, a job has been lost, a child is becoming impossible to talk to, money is just not coming in. I work with them to see the opportunities that come with the challenges. That usually turns their attitude around and they invariably say to me "why couldn't I see that in the first place? The reason's simple we make a habit of reacting rather than responding. Something happens to us and we immediately deal with the situation from the usual practice, from fight or flight mechanisms or from fear. If we take a moment to merely observe and then ask ourselves questions about the situations we face, our response can be completely different from the knee-jerk reaction, and that can open us up to miracles unexpected.
Speaker 1:Today I'm going to tell you what happened with my ex-husband, Rich, or, as he was known in a medieval and Renaissance reenactment group, Cai de Lyon. He and I were not tender blossoms on the vine when we met. Both of us had been married before, both of us had gone through rather tough childhoods and both of us had slightly skewed worldviews. When we met in the Society for Creative Anachronism, his persona was Cai de Lyon, a medieval French knight, a fine sword fighter who was good-humored, with a dry wit and a definite flair for dancing. Me", I was ready to out Anne Boleyn. Anne Boleyn, my chosen period was Henry VIII's Tudor England, so I swaned around the tournaments and court events, decked out from the top of my French hood to my fur and velvet oversleeves, all the way down to my three petticoats and undergown padded farthingale. And I too loved to dance.
Speaker 1:We were friends for about 12 years but then decided well, we'd both been around the block so much, we owned property, so why not get married? Wasn't being friends as good a reason as anything? And so we did. We married in New York City in 1991, but when he got itchy feet, he started talking about moving back to California. Not for me. East Coast girl that I am, I know that California's four seasons are fire, flood, earthquake and mudslide -- no thanks. So we settled on Atlanta and moved down. He was happy, but I found out pretty fast that I was not a magnolia, I am a bagel, and I was really not happy when he decided he was done being married. He was moving back to California and I was distinctly not invited.
Speaker 1:I spent three weeks playing the Wounded Wife, because that's who I thought I was supposed to be. When I stopped and asked myself what I truly wanted, it was to keep my friend. So I went from reaction to response, telling him that if that's what he wanted, I wouldn't stop him. But I wanted to keep my friendship with him, no matter what happened. From that point on, the divorce was amicable, with everything done above board and honestly. We settled our financial dealings on a handshake. He was always prompt and if he had some extra money he'd send it alone. After all, he was a computer genius and at that point in my life I was merely a legal secretary. He paid off the loan on our mini-van that we'd gotten from my father without being asked. This impressed my father, who had not been at all that impressed with him.
Speaker 1:During the marriage we did indeed stay friends. We always sent each other birthday cards he was always Mr Lion and I was always Miss Kitty. We checked in with each other periodically, always glad to hear about a new job, a new friend, a new point of interest in each other's lives. I moved back up to the Hudson Valley and met and married my current husband, and we still stayed friends. That's why, when he died young and unexpectedly in the fall of 2007, I received an unimaginable gift. The next year I received a miraculous message Five months after his death.
Speaker 1:A week before my birthday, I was lecturing at a spiritualist church in Rochester, new York. It was rookie day when people who were just learning to give messages were allowed to deliver what they were getting, a woman stood up, clearly nervous, and said "Reverend Corby, may I come to you? That's the formal greeting when a spiritualist has a message for someone. I nodded, she closed her eyes and sat in a rush. I'm getting a big man. He looks kind of like Santa Claus, but younger, and he's in a red t-shirt and shorts and sandals and he has glasses and he's holding a cat that looks like a signee. He's only its long hair and he's making it wave at you and he's blowing you kisses.
Speaker 1:By the end of her message she was in tears, clearly believing we'd all find her and her message nuts, but not me. I laughed and I nodded. That was most definitely Rich: the heavy build, the style of his hair and beard, the red t-shirt that I had given him, the shorts and sandals that were his everyday California uniform. The cat in his arms was our Himalayan boy, Kaiser Wilhelm, who was our first pet together, and the blowing of kisses was clearly his sending me happy birthday wishes from the great beyond. If I had stayed with a game of wounded wife, we would have long ago lost contact with each other. But because I knew to change my belief, I received that sweet miracle of a happy birthday from heaven on a long ago March afternoon. Trust me, when you change your mindset by questioning your normal attitude, when you ask and learn to respond rather than react, your world will absolutely change. You will make so much room for miracles in your life that your heart will expand in order to hold them all.
Speaker 1:I've been guiding friends and clients since 1973. I love showing you opportunities and how to grab them, where the tough stuff is and how to get through it, and handing you your toolbox through tarot and oracle cards, past-life exploration, spirit guides and angelic conferences and mediumship. My website, corbiemitleid. com, is full of articles, blogs, where to find me for live appearances and where to listen to me as I guest on other podcasts. There's a full menu of readings, from short burning questions all the way up to the jewel of the crown, my Soul Plan readings, which are based on the work I did with Robert Schwartz. Whether it's general questions about your life in practical terms, romance readings, business consultations, discovering your sentence of passion or digging into that single challenge that has run through your life, you can find the appointment that's right for you.
Speaker 1:You know your opinion matters A lot, so if you enjoy this, take a few minutes to leave a review. Word of mouth is key with podcasts, so share it with others, and if you really want to help make the magic happen, go find me at patreon. com. There's a tier called I Believe In you and for just a couple of dollars a month, you can be an official roadie and help. All the things I do the podcasts, the books, the classes, the videos keep on coming. This has been Corbie Mitleid, and until next time, keep those ruby slippers polished and I'll meet you on the Psychic Yellow Brick Road.